Archive / 2017 / 04

Easter Dangers (3 of 3): Lilies

Down here in the Southern Hemisphere, lilies don’t naturally bloom at this time of year. However, by using greenhouses and various clever techniques, horticulturalists have managed to force some...
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Easter Dangers (2 of 3): Raisins

We still don’t know an awful lot about the toxin in grapes, currants and raisins. We only have a rough idea of what the toxic dose is, with doses as low as 2.8g of raisins per kg bodyweight bein...
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Easter Dangers (1 of 3): Chocolate

Happy Easter! We hope everyone, including our furry family members, enjoy the holiday, which means we need to make sure our pets are kept safe. Many Easter treats pose a danger to our furry companions...
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Welcome to our new website! It’s all very exciting. We’ve tried to make it a bit more user-friendly. Please take a look around and if you have any ideas or suggestions, you’re more t...
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